
Call for donations

Protective equipment for Aviv and his unit

Can you help?


For those who do not have a PayPal account, there is the option of donating via the well-known club account. However, as this is a purely private initiative, we cannot issue donation receipts! We will forward the donations directly via PayPal.

Donations to:
DE46 8709 6214 0021 2928 18
Volksbank Chemnitz eG
Purpose: Protective equipment for Aviv and his unit

Seminar for couples

God loves to revitalize, fulfill and heal marriages.

Friedhold and Ines Matthes from Wittgensdorf cordially invite you to a series of seminars in Annaberg-Buchholz.

read more

Cry for help from Israel

In the last week of October we received a cry for help from Israel. A soldier asked for donations in kind to be sent.

There was then a lot of prayer and ultimately an aid campaign was started where relief supplies worth €12.800 were flown to Israel.

Current donation status: €11.592

You can find out details here:

Weiterlesen …

About Us


The Hineni e.V. used to be called Prayer House Annaberg-Buchholz e.V. After there was unfortunately a major break in this work and the association lost its headquarters as well as the majority of its members, we wanted to sensibly dissolve it at the end of the year. But God had another plan! He brought people together in prayer throughout the year and gave us a common vision. So the association received a new leadership, a new identity, a new calling and a new name from God - Hineni!

"You meant to do me evil, but God meant to do good, to do what is now happening [...]." Genesis 50,20a



Hineni - we are at your disposal! We do not want to establish our own work, but rather consciously focus on our neighbors. We want to serve communities and associations but also families, marriages and individuals where help is needed. Motivated by the love and example of Jesus himself.

In our statutes it says: "The purpose of the association is to promote and practice the Christian faith. To this end Mainly existing church communities and Christian associations are supported, particularly in the areas of home group work, children's and youth work, men's and women's work, prayer work and praise work. Other purposes include the promotion of reconciliation and international friendship with the State of Israel and the Jewish people Protection of unborn life as well as advice, support, encouragement and strengthening of marriages, families, single parents, the elderly, the sick and the lonely.


We currently have 12 members and are happy about anyone who shares our heartbeat and wants to get involved!


2 members are employed in the association on a donation basis:

  • Birk Naumann (Part time)
  • Samuel Glöckner (Mini job)



The board is composed of:

  • Birk Naumann (Chairman)
  • Wolfgang Lötzsch (Deputy Chairman)
  • Samuel Glöckner (Deputy Chairman)


Gebetshaus Leipzig e.V.

(Prayer House Leipzig)

The Leipzig Prayer House is a place where we strive to worship God longer and more persistently. We long for His presence and glory, for His touch that changes us and helps us to know Him better and better.

“My house shall be called a house of prayer by all nations.” Isaiah 56:7

Gebetshaus Zwickau e.V.

(Prayer House Zwickau)

Lobpreishaus Dresden e.V.

(Worship House Dresden)

The Praise House Dresden is a place where Christians from different churches and communities come together to worship God.

“Therefore they stand before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple. And the One who sits on the throne will give them his presence.” (Revelation 7:15)

Mastering Your Life e.V.

We are sponsors of various Christian aid projects at home and abroad. As an administrative umbrella, we create the legal and organizational framework for your work.

The projects work independently and are almost entirely financed by donations. Their stories are very different. Some initiatives were created under our roof, others existed long before they came to us as sponsors.

Licht auf dem Berg

(Light on the mountain)

We have been an interdenominational service community of Christians from various churches in the Erzgebirge for many years.

We invite people to get to know the light of the good news of Jesus and see ourselves as promoters of personal spiritual life and as supporting service providers for Christian communities.

The Message Deutschland e.V.

Abundant Bread of Salvation

Michael Schneider

Kirchgemeinde Königswalde

(Königswalde parish)

Kirchgemeinde Drebach

(Drebach parish)

Zurück nach Zion

(Back to Zion)

It is our heart's desire to promote the coming of the Messiah through word and deed. For this it is essential to sensitize Christians to the true Meshiach and to the apple of God's eye, the chosen people of Israel. We live in the days when we can return together to the origins of our Jewish roots. This is the focus of our teaching, to ground ourselves firmly in the God of Israel. So that we may recognize the signs of the times in the last days and stand firm when the labor pains begin and the coming of Meshiach to Yerushalayim is announced.

Sächsische Israelfreunde e.V.

(Saxon Israel Friends)

Christa Behr

Christa Behr has lived in Jerusalem since 1991 and previously worked as a Protestant religion teacher in public schools in Austria. Her heart beats particularly for the repentance and reconciliation of the community of Jesus towards Israel. Until 2019, she organized visits to Auschwitz and other former concentration camps in Poland with an international group every year.

Shilo Ben Hod

Succat Hallel

Symphony of Nations e.V.

Begegnung in der Ehe e.V.

(Encounter in Marriage)

4M-Deutschland e.V.

Nothing Hidden Ministries

Aktion Lebensrecht für Alle e.V.

(Action Right to Life for All)



Here I Am!

The first word that the first Jewish father said to his first child was "Hineni." It means "Here I am" and symbolizes unlimited readiness and presence to complete a task.

It doesn't simply say that you will do your best, but signals that you are fully there to tackle the task.